【同义词辨析】 2019-11-20 昂首strut-bridle

strut: suggests a pompous affectation of dignity, especially in gait or bearing: ~ like a peacock.  pompous自负浮夸applies to persons who behave or speak in a very serious way because they think they are more important than they really are,如a pompous official一个自负的官员,如a pompous ass who pretends he knows everything一个自负的傻瓜以为自己什么都知道;pompous还表示盛大壮观或浮华very grand and elaborate,如pompous feast盛大宴会,如the service was grand without being pompous仪式场面宏大,却不浮华) (affected做作,即装模作样营造效果不真诚不自然to do something in order to impress others,如his foreign accent is just an affectation他的外国口音只是做作假装) (gait步态步法a way of walking,如he walked with a rolling gait走起路来摇摇摆摆,如Burns is a big lad with a rolling gait伯恩斯是一个走起路来一摇一晃的高大小伙子) (bearing泛指神态姿态即风度,但现在多指姿态is the most general of these words but now usually implies characteristic posture,如a woman of regal bearing有皇室姿态的女子,如a man of precise military bearing具有十足军人风度的男人)

swagger: implies an ostentatious conviction of one's own superiority, often manifested in insolent gait and overbearing manner: ~ed onto the field. ost有3个t==conspicuous明显的, (manifest明显地表现implies plain, direct, immediate relevation,如manifested musical ability at an early age自小便表现出音乐才能)  insolent和overbearing都表示傲慢,程度重,让人觉得受到侮辱和蔑视,在180224 proud

bristle: implies an aggressive manifestation sometimes of anger or of zeal but often of an emotion that causes one to show one's sense of dignity or importance: an accusation that made her ~.

bridle: usually suggests an awareness of a threat to one's dignity or state and a reaction of hostility or resentment: local government officials who ~d against interference.

strut昂首阔步趾高气昂: 指步态姿态表现得自大做作,像是要显示尊严地位,swagger大摇大摆神气十足: 指步态举止十分傲慢明显自负,bristle发怒: 指气势汹汹地表达愤怒,或其他让人显示尊严地位的情绪,bridle(昂首收颔)愤怒: 意识到尊严地位受到威胁,因此表现出愤怒敌意

记忆方法: 1)首字母SSBB想成傻不<==昂首

        2)昂首的意思是显出尊严重要神态mean to assume an air of dignity or importance.   (air神情means a particular way of speaking or behaving that gives an impression给人留下某种印象的说话或行为方式, 如the room had an air of luxury房间具有豪华的气派,如she looked at him with a defiant air她用蔑视的神情看着他,如I find young people exciting. They have an air of freedom, and they have not a dreary commitment to mean ambitions or love of comfort我发现年轻人令人兴奋: 他们神情自由,不会去追求卑鄙乏味的野心,或贪图享受,摘自新四第6篇,原名叫Out of the Air神情之外。另外airs永远表示不自然做作假装的神情always implies artificiality or pretentiousness,如a snobby couple much given to putting on airs一对势力夫妇,只会装腔作势摆架子